Senior Resource Committee
Friday, May 3, 2024 Meeting at 8:00AM
Westmont Centre Conference Room, 1 South Cass Avenue or via Zoom
Meeting ID: 876 6572 9254 Passcode: 188763 Dial in by Phone: 1-312-626-6799
Meeting Agenda
I. Introductions, Agenda Additions & Meeting Minutes Approval
A. Introduce yourself and your business - what is a good lead for you?
B. Any additions to the Meeting Agenda
C. Motion to Approve Draft March Meeting Minutes
D. Presentation by Julianne Rizzo, Oasis Senior Advisor (meeting host)
II. Old Business
A. Recap of the Senior Health Fair on April 25th from 5pm to 6:30pm from 5pm to 7pm at Westmont Park District
B. Participation Options for August Senior Expo in Oakbrook Terrace
C. Senior Resource Committee Expo at Mayslake Village/Darien Sportsplex & Additional Upcoming Senior Focused Events
D. Updates on Dementia Friendly Westmont
E. Recap of the Westmont Senior of the Year Award Presentation
F. Social Media Cross-Support & Business Reviews Update
G. Any additional old business to address?
III. New Business
Any additional new business to address?
IV. Upcoming Event Updates
A. Business After Hours at Salt Creek Ballet on May 8th at 5:00pm
B. Ribbon Cutting at Net Games Grand Opening on May 9th at Noon
C. Westmont Community Golf Classic on June 14th at Noon at Twin Lakes Golf Club
V. Next Meeting Date, Time and Location
The next SRC meeting is scheduled for Friday, June 7th at 8:00am at Cordia Senior Living.
Westmont Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau
Senior Resource Committee Meeting
Friday, April 5, 2024 8:00-9:00 AM
Location: Jen Martin, BRIA Health Services of Westmont
Draft Meeting Minutes
1. Attendees: Mary Ferguson, Shelly Lindsay, Gaye Wagner, Julianne Rizzo, Catie Cassity, Larry Forssberg, Mark Davis, Dan Rattery, Dr. Nancy A. Congdon, Au D., Karen Spencer, Sarah Behrens, Joanne Rancic, Nora Hernandez, Clare Nawrocki. Jen Marten, Alyssa Vejendia, Sheri Kupres, Mani Rao, Alice Krampits, John Christiansen
2. Introductions, Agenda Additions & Minutes: The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m.
A. Introductions were made by attendees.
B. Host Introductions: Jen Martin, BRIA Health Services of Westmont
C. Approval of March Meeting Minutes
3. Old Business:
A. Recap of SRG Business After Hours, March 6 at Downers Grover Township Center:
- 64 attendees, lots of mingling but not sure if we’ve generated any new members from the event. Chamber is still working the list
- Too many deserts but overall, not a lot of leftovers
- All were in favor of doing again next year
- Collected a shopping cart full of food items for Fishes Food Pantry – next year start collections early so we can make a bigger impact
- Great raffle items
B. The Senior Health Fair at Westmont Park District is set for Thursday, April 25th from 5pm – 6:30pm and on Friday, April 26th from 8:30am – 11am. Similar set up as last year.
- Mark provided flyers for everyone to distribute to their lists.
- 22 exhibitors signed up so far
- Waiting for a response from the Westmont Police Department – Mary Ferguson to follow-up with them
- Mark will invite the IL Treasury
- Larry will provide Mark a new email so People’s Resource can be invited
- SRG members to advertise that the Secretary of State’s Mobile Unit to increase traffic to them as well as to the Fair overall
- Mark will send an email to all exhibitors with logistics
- Julianne will send an email to SRG members about food and other items to bring
- Shelly from Cordia will blow up balloons and will transport them to the fair, BRIA to help with transportation of balloons if needed
- SRG members to help man the Downers Grove Township table as they have a conflict and can’t be there
- Set up at 3pm on Thursday, can leave items overnight
- Need folks to stay and help clean up at the end of the fair on Friday
C. Dementia Friendly: A list of all the memory cafés in the area is being put together. Karen asked that we promote these as attendance at some are low but improving.
- Support groups being run by Karin Knutson from Burgess Square are going well.
D. Please continue to rate and review each other’s businesses
4. New Business:
A. Mayslake Community Fair for Mayslake residents only
- Larry to set up a conference call with Mary, Shelly and Mayslake ED to discuss timing of this, September has been discussed
- It had been discussed previously doing the expo on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday in the morning, 8:30 or 9am – 11 or 11:30. Bring donuts/coffee to entice residents to come
B. Gaye asked for women to participate in the Women in Business Golf Outing on June 14th, would like to get some 4-somes together from the SRG.
- Don’t need to know how to golf, it’s more of a social event than a serious golf event
- Play best ball at Twin Lakes par 3 golf course
- Could arrange to get a golf lesson and/or some practice time prior to the event
- More info coming about sponsorship opportunities
C. Mary Ferguson would like to do more dementia training of staff and service organizations including Rotary Club and other organizations. If you know of someone she could reach out to, let her know.
5.Upcoming Event Updates
- Senior Fair at the Community House in Hinsdale, April 16 9a-noon.
- Mayslake is having its Spring Gala on Saturday, April 27. Tickets are $100pp, tables of 10. Burgess Square is getting a table. Larry will send out an email about this.
- Westmont Community awards dinner on April 29th at 6:00pm at the Hilton Oak Brook
- Mary and Shelly to present award to the winner, Jeanne Pantke
- SRG members will cover the cost of 2 tickets for Jeanne and a guest, Westmont Chamber to front the cost and members will pay $10-$20 at next meeting.
- Larry to send out an email to SRG to see who wants to participate
- Senior Expo in Oak Brook Terrace at Drury Lane, August – let group know if you want to participate. Two years ago, had 3 tables and took turns manning the table. There is an additional cost to participate.
- Shelly mentioned that attendees are from all over and not all local to our area.
- Participation in August for Senior Expo at Darien Sportsplex – decide if you want to participate in this event. Cost depends on how many SRC vendors want to participate.
- Equitable Financial hosting ‘Women’s Financial Empowerment on Thursday May 9, 4:30-6:00pm at Maggiano’s Little Italy in Oak Brook
- Westmont Family Fun Fest on May 11 – proceeds go to local scholarships. There will be games for kids, food. No cost for entry, cost for food only
- Pets in the Park coming in September at Ty Warner Park
6. Next Meeting Dates and Locations
• May 3, Westmont Chamber Office hosted by Julianne Rizzo
• June 7, Cordia Senior Living, 865 N Cass Ave, Westmont, IL 60559
Motion to Adjourn at 9:00am by Mary and seconded by Dan, all approved
Respectfully Submitted by
Sheri Kupres and Catie Cassity